Friday, December 14, 2012

Describe your Game

In my game I've planned to have my scene like to be in a lot of ice so the bigger the penguins are the more ice there is going to be . Well what I'm trying to say is that there are going to be different areas . First the player will have to choose what level they want Easy , Medium & Hard . If they choose the Easy one they will have to work with the Little Penguins . If they choose Medium with the Medium ones and if they choose the hard one they will have the big penguins . The bigger the penguins are the more complicated it will be . There will be some food hidden and the penguins will take some not all only the ones that they like and the one that are for them . For example there is going to be different food for little penguins and medium and big you will have to guess which one is for the level that you choose . I want my game to have a lot of creative things like a lot of hidden objects and make my game challenging also i want to put a timer .

Friday, December 7, 2012

Name of the topic you picked: Penguin Adaptations 

Name of the website:  New England Aquarium 

Link:  Penguin Adaptations

Author of the resources: New England Aquarium 2012

Date it was made: 2012

Date you found it: December , 7th 2012 . 

Fact 1: Penguins have Black and white bellies this pattern of coloration is called counter shading and serves to camouflage the bird when it is in the water

Fact 2:  Larger Penguins live in colder Areas it is because This is because larger, rounder bodies lose heat slower than smaller, slimmer bodies .

Fact 3: Webbed feet and oar-like wings enable penguins to shoot through the water at speeds up to 15 miles per hour. 

Fact 4: Penguins have almond-shaped glands beneath the skin above their eyes that help them filter out the excess salt from the ocean.

Fact 5: Counter  shading also helps the penguins hunt with more success.

Describe what kind of objects you could hide for this game:

In this game I will hide The penguins Food , Ice , Colder Areas , Eggs .

Describe what you game scene might look like:

My game scene will probably be separated in 2 sections one for smaller penguins that the temperature is not to cold and one for larger penguins where they have the temperature that the need for the skin . Also they will have to go from one side of ice to another so they can find the hidden objects .